Avoid busy email inboxes, and get more open rates with our SMS blasting tool. Over 90% of SMS texts are opened in 3 minutes, compared to just about 20% for email. Start spreading the important word across the event to thousands of audiences at once.
Find out why we are the No.1 SMS blasting service for events. Please get the word out and send personalized text campaigns with our best solutions.
Upload your contact lists from an Excel spreadsheet or CSV. to our platform, or use our registration forms to collect data and integrate with Happenn’s event SMS blasting tool.
To make your text blasts come off with flying colors, keep it to the point, and personalize your messages. Take advantage by including images and links; write up to 1,200 characters per message.
Click send immediately or schedule it for later. Track delivery, open rates, click-through rates, and see what’s working.
Let's see what we can do for you.
Happenn won't let you walk alone. Our Customer Success team will be with you from the beginning of the project. 'Cause, we're here to help!
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